No it is not! A full process is carried out during the data management system that includes document scanning, indexing and destruction. There are many outsourcing companies in the industry, which can effectively carry out the data management system.
Here is a detailed description about the steps involved in the process:
Document scanning: During this process, paper documents are converted into a digital form. Today, many companies are availing this service because of its many benefits, therefore urging businesspeople to give it a shot.
The following is a list of those benefits-
- Confidential information is stored securely.
- Protection against theft.
- Low cost storage advantage as a result of there not being a need of cabinet. This eventually makes more space for the staff to sit comfortably and work in a proper environment.
- Backup copies are created, in order to protect information in the event that a file gets corrupted. Thus, there is no information loss, which is a sign of relief for those people who need to access this information easily.
- One can access their log file at any time when needed. This is possible just because of the document management system.
- To avoid accessibility of data to all people, a facility of access level is there in information management system. In this, a password is given to a particular person, which saves the data from getting stolen.
- If you need to share the same information with other executives, they can do so by sharing the document on their personal computer. This helps reduce the cost of stationary, as well as maintenance of documents.
Document indexing services: After scanning, the documents are sorted out via assigning the proper groups and names to the files. This is quite useful when a specific piece of information from the whole lot is needed to be searched. With just a few clicks, an individual can easily search the required piece of information. Subsequently, this brings an affirmative change in the productivity and performance of the company.
Document destruction: is carried out (If needed). To conduct this process, the following methods are used; paper shredding, selling to paper mills and destroying by fire. This process is only carried out, when data security issue is a major concern, otherwise most of the tasks conducted are: document scanning and document indexing.