
Friday, January 31, 2014

Paper Based Management vs. Electronic Document Management

Most business companies use paper based systems for storing business documents. No doubt, these systems helped businesses in maintaining their records, but these systems prove to be cumbersome in many situations. There are several shortcomings associated with this system, of which, the most glaring ones are:

  • Editing a hand written document is not easy. It requires a lot work, and can be quite untidy.
  • With paper based systems, sharing information can be very hectic and time consuming.
  • Storing thousands of files and folders, takes a lot of storage space.
  • The expenses of the company increase due to the need to purchase; paper, folders and cabinets on a regular basis.

These shortcomings have lead to the need for electronic document management systems, which makes it easier for businesses to safely store their data and information.

Look for a reliable document management company that offers technology equipped systems.

But, “What makes Electronic Document Management different from Paper based systems?’

Well, there are many ways, but the most important ones are as follows:

  • A wide range of scanning features
    Electronic document management systems allow businesses to convert their paper based documents, into a digitized format with the help of scanning systems. The documents are scanned, converted into an electronic format and then stored in the system, in a well organized fashion.
  • Several ways for organizing files
    When the files are converted into an electronic format; they must be stored in a way that provides easy access to those who want to use them. A good management system will provide multiple ways for organizing business documents.
  • Improved search
    The stored files and documents are easy to search after completion of indexing. Indexing makes it easy for individuals to search for a particular document with the help of a word or phrase. Indexing of documents is based on several factors such as; document type, business type and the words used in the document.
  • Easy and fast sharing
    Even if there aren’t hundreds of employees working in your organization, the need for smooth communication and data sharing is present in businesses of all sizes. Electronic document management facilitates fast sharing of documents within the organization, and with the outside world.

Now, all you need to do is to determine the type of system that your business needs, in order to enhance its productivity and smooth functioning.

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